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Why does Owen still offer so much for 21st century co-operators?
Register free here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/robert-owens-impact-learning-lessons-for-co-operation-and-education-tickets-398856910757
Saturday 12th November 2022 – Zoom
9.55 – 11.00 am: Robert Owen’s Impact: Co-operation & Education – Part 1
Welcome and chair: Mick Antoniw Labour & Co-operative MS for Pontypridd, Counsel General for Wales
Speaker: Professor Chris Williams, University College Cork, Cork http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A019/chris.williams@ucc.iehttp://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A019/chris.williams@ucc.ie
‘Robert Owen and co-operation’ – Among the many movements and ideas that Robert Owen inspired and influenced, co-operation has a claim to be the longest-lasting and most important. The co-operative movement in Britain pre-dated Owen but, from the 1820s, it was infused with his optimism that a better world could be organised around, as he put it, ‘principles of union and co-operation’. Such principles took many forms: communitarian experiments, producer associations, the ‘labour exchange’ movement, and ultimately, the foundation stone of British co-operation, the co-operative store. Although Owen, in this as in so many other cases, moved on rapidly to other enthusiasms after the mid-1830s, his ideas continued to function as a touchstone for co-operators for generations to come. Owen continues to offer much food for thought for twenty-first century co-operators.
11.00 am Comfort break
11.05 am – 12 noon: Co-operation and Education – Part 2
11.05 – 12 noon – Co-operation & Education
Chair: Jeremy Miles Labour & Co-operative MS, Minister for Education & Welsh Language
- Gillian Lonergan – former Co-op Librarian and Archivist ‘Owen and Education’ based upon her reading of Owen’s UNESCO acclaimed 3000 letters
- Hazel Remeika – Community & Shared Value team, the Co-op Group, ‘What can we learn from Social Action in Co-op Group supported Academy schools in England?’
- Dan McCallum, co-director, Awel Co-op and Egni Co-op – ‘What has been achieved in Welsh schools in promoting active citizenship and in addressing climate crisis?’
Q&A with teachers, school governors, climate change activists & co-operators
Hosted by Co-ops & Mutuals Wales
Mae Owen yn cynnig cymaint i gydweithredwyr yr 21ain Ganrif o hyd: pam?
Dydd Sadwrn, 12 Tachwedd 2022, o 9.55 a.m. i 12 hanner dydd – ar Zoom
Cofrestrwch am ddim fan hyn: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/robert-owens-impact-learning-lessons-for-co-operation-and-education-tickets-398856910757
9.55 – 11.00 a.m. – ‘Robert Owen & Chydweithrediad’ Siaradwr: Yr Athro Chris Williams, Coleg y Brifysgol, Cork
Cadeirydd: Mick Antoniw AS, Y Cwnsler Cyffredinol
11.05 – 12 hanner dydd – Cydweithrediad & Addysg
Cadeirydd: Jeremy Miles AS Llafur & Chydweithredol, Gweinidog y Gymraeg & Addysg
- Gillian Lonergan – cyn-Lyfrgellydd ac Archifydd y Co-op: ‘Owen ac Addysg’, wedi ei seilio ar ddarllen 3000 o lythyrau Owen a ganmolir gan UNESCO
- Hazel Remeika – tîm y Gymuned & Gwerth Cyfunol, Grŵp y Co-op: ‘Beth allwn ddysgu o Weithredu Cymdeithasol yn ysgolion Academi Grŵp y Co-op yn Lloegr?’
- Dan McCallum, cyd-gyfarwyddwr, Co-op Awel a Co-op Egni: ‘Beth a gyflawnwyd eisoes mewn ysgolion Cymru i annog dinasyddiaeth weithredol ac i ymateb i’r argyfwng hinsawdd?’
Hawl i Holi gydag athrawon, llywodraethwyr ysgolion, actifyddion newid hinsawdd & chydweithredwyr