Co-Forum 2013

Co-ops and Credit Unions – Perfect Partners in Community Regeneration
This event was organised by Co-operatives & Mutuals Wales on 22-23rd Feb 2013, at the Parkway Hotel, Cwmbran


The event at the Parkway Hotel in Cwmbran was attended by 38 people, and chaired by the Chair of Co-operatives and Mutuals Wales, Alex Bird.


Following a pleasant dinner and conversation on the Friday evening, we started the Saturday with presentations by Cris Tomos, the Chief Executive of C4G in Cardigan and Mick Brown of Robert Owen Community Banking Partnership. Both spoke about the community regeneration projects they had developed using a partnership between the credit union or CDFI (or both) and a community co-operative financed by a Community Share Issue. See their presentations:-

Credit Union & Community Shares – Cris Tomos

Community Finance Presentation – Mick Brown


Katija Dew  Keith Fletcher

Workshops were led by Colin Crooks of Tree Shepherd, Martin Price of, Derek Walker and Teej Dew of Wales Co-operative Centre and Keith Fletcher of Smart Money Credit Union

Download their presentations and related papers:-
Co-op Member Engagement – Martin Price 
The Tyranny of Structurelessness – Jo Freeman
Credit Union Rent Accounts – Teej Dew
The Entrepreneurs Cooperative – Keith Fletcher

Download the speakers biographies:-
Speakers Biographies

Co-Forum 2013 – a unique chance for Credit Unions and Co-operatives in Wales to gather together in a comfortable setting to discuss their future plans.
Co-Forum 2013 – focussed on partnership, discussion and strategy development.
Co-Forum 2013 – modestly priced due to the generous support of our sponsors.
Co-Forum 2013 – a conversation not a lecture.

With thanks to our generous sponsors, the Co-operative Membership Cymru/
Wales, the Coalfields Regeneration Trust and Co-operatives UK, without whom it wouldn’t have happened