Assembly Cross Party Group – visit from N Ireland

On February 11th the newly formed Cross Party Group on Co-operatives and Mutuals received a delegation from Co-operation Northern Ireland, which was organised by Co-operatives & Mutuals Wales. The delegation, Anna MacAleavy and Erskine Holmes had a guided tour of the Assembly building, the Senedd accompanied by the Group Chair, David Melding AM followed by lunch with other Group members including Chris Franks AM and Alan Davies AM. Also invited were Mike Ash-Edwards, the Co-operative Group Cymru/Wales Regional Secretary and Alex Bird, Chair Co-operatives & Mutuals Wales

100211 lunch with copop delegation northern ireland

L-R Mike Ash-Edwards, Anna MacAleavy, Chris Franks AM, Alex Bird, Erskine Holmes

About admin

Alex Bird is an experienced co-operative searcher and activist. Follow him @coopalex3
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