Welsh Assembly Cross-Party Group on Co-operatives and Mutuals
The next two meetings of the Welsh Assembly Cross-Party Group on Co-operatives and Mutuals will be on Jan 23rd and Jan 28th:-
Wednesday January 23rd at 12.30pm
“Co-operatives and the Social Care Bill – Developing Social Co-ops in Wales”
Laurie Gregory, Chair, The Foster Care Co-op
Adrian Roper, Chief Executive, Cartrefi Cymru
Media Briefing Room, National Assembly for Wales, Ty Hywel, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA
Monday January 28th at 12.30pm
“Investing in what works – The Evergreen Co-operatives of Cleveland, Ohio”
Ted Howard, Executive Director, The Democracy Collaborative at the University of Maryland
Committee Room 21, National Assembly for Wales, Ty Hywel, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA
Please note
These meetings are open to interested members of the public.
This event is inside the security zone, and space is limited.
You will not be able to attend unless you contact Jackie Aplin in advance to have your name added to the list of invitees.
Please e-mail: jackie@cooperatives-wales.coop to secure your place
A light buffet lunch will be provided – sponsored by the Co-operative Group Cymru/Wales Membership