A Social Co-ops Development Forum for Wales has been established to bring together all those working to develop co-operatives in the field of social care. This is particularly important at this time as the Social Services & Wellbeing Bill has just been published, and it places emphasis on the role multi-stakeholder co-operatives can play in providing quality social care.
The next meeting is on Monday March 25th from 10.00am until 4.00pm – bring your own lunch – at Cartrefi Cymru, 5 Coopers Yard, Curran Road Cardiff CF10 5NB
All interested co-operators welcome
The Forum is working on developing evidence to present to the Welsh Commission on Co-operatives and Mutuals as well as considering the implications of the Social Services & Wellbeing Bill currently going through the Assembly and developing any suggested amendments to the Bill
The Social Co-ops Development Forum is Chaired by Adrian Roper, Chief Executive of Cartrefi Cymru, and meets on a regular basis. Adrian has produced a useful presentation on the Social Care Bill. Download his presentation:- Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Bill