Review of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 presents a significant opportunity

The Law Commission is the official law reform body for England and Wales. It has been asked by Government to “review the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 to see if any reform is needed to ensure that the legislation is fitting to the needs of societies, and that regulation is proportionate and effective”.They will be publishing a consultation paper setting out possible reforms. Everyone is encouraged to respond to that consultation, sharing their views. The publication of their consultation paper, will probably be in the summer. Certainly, after 11 May for a 12-week period. To join the mailing list, please email: 

About David Smith

A lifelong co-operative activist. Former roles: Co-op Foundation Trustee; Co-op Group Main Board, Specialist Board & National Values & Principles Committee; Co-op Group Senate; Co-op Group Wales Regional Board, South Wales Area Committee. Public service includes Government Food Adviser; UK Healthcare Regulator. David directed the first EC funded Wales Anti-Poverty Programme; and pioneered co-operative & community initiatives: free legal services, community-based housing associations, care and repair, pre-school & adventure play, local Co-op Development Agencies, multipurpose Social Care Co-operatives. Founded: Cardiff Student Community Action, Welsh Food Alliance & Wales Progressive Co-operators. Board Member, Newport Credit Union; Robert Owen Memorial Museum Trustee. Former Lecturer, Gwent Tertiary College, Graduate Ruskin College, Oxford and UC Cardiff + PGCE, MA (European Human Resource Management) Keele; Professional Food & Management qualifications.
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