New events

23 February 3.00-6.00 at Cardiff City Hall
All in this together: co-production, co-creation and public service delivery
Open meeting/seminar (plus in Llandudno Junction via a video link).

Five superb speakers:
Mark Drakeford AM
Farrar (exDesign Council & NESTA, now Spice)
Elke Loeffer (Governance International)
Megan Mathias (Kafka Brigade)
Paul Thurston (Design Wales).

Once we are all inspired by what’s possible, the final hour will be used as a springboard for setting up an action group to galvanise others and get co-production to the top of the Welsh participation and citizen engagement agenda.

 Limited places – book now via: 

 We hope to video-conference the event in N.Wales. Please email Ruth for details

 The event is being organised as part of the Co-production Resource project with the support of: Cardiff Council’s Partnerships & Citizen Focus Team, Design Council Wales, Institute of Welsh Affairs, Kafka Brigade, new economics foundation, Patchwork Circles, Spice.


March 8th 2012, 5.30pm at the Glamorgan Building, Cardiff University
Glamorgan Lecture – A conversation with Robin Murray and Stephen Yeo
Chaired by Prof Kevin Morgan
Booking essential

Full details:- Co-operatives – 8th March 2012

About admin

Alex Bird is an experienced co-operative searcher and activist. Follow him @coopalex3
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