New Co-operatives UK Report on Mutuals

Time to get serious: international lessons for developing public service mutuals

A new report from Co-operatives UK is launched today. In the context of the UK Coalition Government’s policies to promote public service mutuals, “Time to get serious: international lessons for developing public service mutuals” examines the experience in Spain, Italy and Sweden. It identifies some key factors for success, learning lessons and questions that are relevant for the development of new co-operative models in the UK.

The report is written by Jonathan Bland, an international expert on co-operatives, social enterprise and social innovation. Johnathan started his career in Cardiff volunteering for the Cardiff and Vale CDA in the 80’s whilst studying at Cardiff University, and has worked in co-operative and social enterprise bodies in Valencia, London, Finland and across Europe.

Download the Report here:-  International Public Service Mutuals

About admin

Alex Bird is an experienced co-operative searcher and activist. Follow him @coopalex3
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