Funding Our Future – Robert Owen Day 2023 contribution by Richard M Murphy

Funding Our Future

The left must create a sustainable economy by putting all the resources available within society to best use, including those that the market fails to use to best effect.

Robert Owen Day – and the need for a new economic paradigm for the left

Lively and very relevant contribution with £100 billion available if public subsidies used in in different way. In doing so Richard clearly explains why the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the blame!

Richard blows away the current HM Treasury pre Kenysian playbook and underlines the need for radical tax changes.

Other valuable contributions from First Minister Mark Drakeford MS, Dr. Sarah Longlands  (CLES), Dr. Liz McIvor (Co-op Heritage Trust) Dr Sue Evans (Cwmpass) at our Robert Owen Day event will be placed on our YouTube channel shortly. All supported by two able chairs: Counsel General Mick Antoniw MS, and Professor Cllr. Jackie Jones.

About David Smith

A lifelong co-operative activist. Former roles: Co-op Foundation Trustee; Co-op Group Main Board, Specialist Board & National Values & Principles Committee; Co-op Group Senate; Co-op Group Wales Regional Board, South Wales Area Committee. Public service includes Government Food Adviser; UK Healthcare Regulator. David directed the first EC funded Wales Anti-Poverty Programme; and pioneered co-operative & community initiatives: free legal services, community-based housing associations, care and repair, pre-school & adventure play, local Co-op Development Agencies, multipurpose Social Care Co-operatives. Founded: Cardiff Student Community Action, Welsh Food Alliance & Wales Progressive Co-operators. Board Member, Newport Credit Union; Robert Owen Memorial Museum Trustee. Former Lecturer, Gwent Tertiary College, Graduate Ruskin College, Oxford and UC Cardiff + PGCE, MA (European Human Resource Management) Keele; Professional Food & Management qualifications.
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