Co-operatives United a great success

This was a momentous occasion for the UK co-operative sector. Co-operatives UK proudly hosted, with the Co-operative Group and the ICA, the culminating event of the International Year of Co-operatives here in the UK, in Manchester; with an abundance of Co-operatives UK members and societies supporting the event.  

 Described by the Observer’s Heather Stewart as ‘part trade show, part conference, part jamboree’ Co-operatives United was enormous, the biggest co-operative event we have seen in decades.

 It combined serious business and lots of fun in one big melting pot. Young people rubbed shoulders with Russian business leaders, mime artists with Malaysian bankers, whilst co-operatives large and small talked and worked together.

• There were 11,800 visits to Co-operatives United 
• There were 88 countries represented
• 753 co-operatives attended
• 171 co-operatives exhibited
• It was made possible by 521 volunteers
• £12.8 million went back into the local economy

 Comments and feedback on the week have been simply wonderful so far. ‘A world class tour de force’. ‘Fantastic’. ‘Vibrant’. ‘Inspirational’. ‘The most brilliant success’.

 We hope, if you were able to make it, you enjoyed Co-operatives United just as much. Whether you attended or not, take the time to catch up on the keynotes and conversations at the interactive online event site

 And have a look at the infographic with the key numbers from the week here.

 What are your plans on Sunday? Why not watch The Rochdale Pioneers film premier on Film4 at 17:45

About admin

Alex Bird is an experienced co-operative searcher and activist. Follow him @coopalex3
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