Andrew Davies AM writes on the “New Mutualism”


Andrew Davies AM has recently published an article on the “New Mutualism” in which he sets out his position on this important debate.

Andrew was elected to the Assembly in May 1999.  He was a prominent member of the “Yes for Wales” Campaign and co-ordinator of Labour’s Assembly referendum campaign in 1997. Andrew served as a member of the Cabinet for ten years from the Assembly’s inception in May 1999, as Assembly Business Manager (Trefynydd) from 1999-2002; Minister for Economic Development from 2002-2007, with Transport added from 2003; and as Minister for Finance and Public Service Delivery between July 2007 and December 2009.

Read the article at

About admin

Alex Bird is an experienced co-operative searcher and activist. Follow him @coopalex3
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