2012 comes to a close


2012 has been United Nations International Year of Co-operatives. From Chelmsford to China, Ilford to India, co-operatives and their members and supporters around the world have come together to show how co-operatives build a better world.

And what a momentous year it has been. Across the globe co-operatives have celebrated what makes their business different. We’ve seen everything from flash mobs to formal conferences.

Here in the UK, we’ve seen hundreds of activities, events and promotions by co-operatives up and down the country. There’s been a Film Four feature film on The Rochdale Pioneers, new public art and monuments, record media coverage for co-operative businesses, a new Co-operatives Act announced by the Prime Minister and Co-operatives United, the largest co-operative event for decades, amongst hundreds of other things.

Take the time to mark the end of this wonderful year, by watching and sharing Co-operatives UK’s new short film, Celebrating 2012, with your friends and colleagues.

This 3 minute film showcases celebrations across the world this year


About admin

Alex Bird is an experienced co-operative searcher and activist. Follow him @coopalex3
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