We have never seen a stronger case advanced for the role and values of the global Co-operative Movement
full version on https://vimeo.com/513437415
Here is Dr. Mike Ryan speaking at a @trocaire event speaking about the catastrophe we’re walking into.
We genuinely think this is the most important clip you’ll ever see. So true. Robert Owens work is still unfinished in his 250th anniversary year. Watch this space for future events.
About David Smith
A lifelong co-operative activist. Former roles: Co-op Foundation Trustee; Co-op Group Main Board, Specialist Board & National Values & Principles Committee; Co-op Group Senate; Co-op Group Wales Regional Board, South Wales Area Committee. Public service includes Government Food Adviser; UK Healthcare Regulator.
David directed the first EC funded Wales Anti-Poverty Programme; and pioneered co-operative & community initiatives: free legal services, community-based housing associations, care and repair, pre-school & adventure play, local Co-op Development Agencies, multipurpose Social Care Co-operatives.
Founded: Cardiff Student Community Action, Welsh Food Alliance & Wales Progressive Co-operators. Board Member, Newport Credit Union; Robert Owen Memorial Museum Trustee. Former Lecturer, Gwent Tertiary College,
Graduate Ruskin College, Oxford and UC Cardiff + PGCE, MA (European Human Resource Management) Keele; Professional Food & Management qualifications.