The Welsh Co-operatives and Mutuals Commission has published its report, which makes recommendations on growing and developing the co-operative and mutual economy in Wales, in order to create jobs and wealth.
The ‘Co-operatives and Mutuals Commission Wales Report 2014’was launched at Accommodation Furniture Solutions Ltd (AFS Ltd), Swansea. AFS Ltd is a worker co-operative that was formed with support from the Wales Co-operative Centre following the closure of the Remploy factories in 2012.
The report makes extensive recommendations on:
- Education approaches and delivery
- Business support and development
- Financial support for co-operative development and employee owned businesses
- Land and Assets
- Procurement
- Leadership and networking
- Delivery mechanisms
Download a copy of the Co-operatives and Mutuals Commission Wales Report 2014
Have your say!
What are your views?
The Welsh Government has commissioned a consultation process following the report’s publication. There will be three consultation events across Wales, facilitated by the Wales Co-operative Centre, which are free to attend. Places for the events can be booked here.
Who should attend?
- Existing co-operatives, mutuals, social enterprises and employee owned businesses
- Co-operative support and development organisations
- Education establishments – higher and further education
- Key government and public sector agencies
- Representative business organisations and professional bodies
- Financial institutions and funders
- Third sector agencies
If you cannot attend the events, a questionnaire will be made available.
You can also engage with the Commission via:
Twitter – @coopmutualwales
The Welsh Co-operative and Mutuals Commission LinkedIn group
And by post:
Welsh Co-operative and Mutuals Commission
c/o Welsh Government
Ground Floor, North Wing QED Centre Main Avenue Trefforest Estate Pontypridd CF37 5YR