Leading the Dragon

The report of the recent study visit to Mondragon in the Basque country was launched at the Co-operative Group Membership (Wales/Cymru) Conference on July 7th

In February 1981 a Wales TUC delegation visited Mondragon and came away inspired to found the Wales Co-operative Centre. This is now 30 years old and over the past three decades has had a substantial impact on the Welsh economy. In April 2012, another Welsh group led by CMW’s Chair, Alex Bird, and this time including the Director of the Wales Co-operative Centre, returned to Mondragon to witness the progress it has made and to see what new directions might be possible. this was made possible by generous sponsorship from the Co-operative Group Membership (Wales/Cymru).

 Informed by the visit, but focusing on the realities of Welsh experience, this publication suggests some developments that could further embed co-operative ideas in Welsh policy-making. As well as a detailed anlysis of how they develop new business and businesses, these include a potentially transformative proposal for introducing a co-operative approach to the delivery of public services, especially those that currently involve sub-contracting care for the elderly to private sector providers

Hard copy or download available at:- http://www.iwa.org.uk/en/publications/view/216

About admin

Alex Bird is an experienced co-operative searcher and activist. Follow him @coopalex3
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