Co-operatives and Mutuals Wales cordially invite you to take part in a Co-operative Education roundtable discussion on Saturday 19th November 2016 (10:30 – 3:30) at Cartrefi Cymru, Cardiff
The programme comprises a mix of keynote interventions from 4 speakers, and facilitated group discussions.
Peter Couchman, Chief Executive, Plunkett Foundation: The Relevance of Co-operative Education
David Palmer, Wales Co-operative Centre: Education and training gaps in Housing
Joe Allen, ABCUL Policy Officer for Wales: Education and training gaps from a Credit Union’s perspective
Simon Parkinson, CEO and Principal, the Co-operative College: Opportunities for Co-operative Education
This event is being generously hosted by Cartrefi Cymru. We have limited capacity for this date, and are keen to ensure a diverse mix of sectors, roles around the table and maximum participation. We are charging £10 per head, payable on booking, to cover the costs of food, refreshments and producing the event report. Please confirm your attendance here:
If you are unable to attend we would be grateful if you could share your views and perspectives on Co- operative Education by 15th November 2016, so that they can be fed into the conversation on the day. Link to the online survey:
The November 2016 event aims to establish context and refine focus. It will be followed by another in March 2017 with the objective of turning discussion outcomes into concrete actions and advancing the delivery and implementation of Co-operative Education in Wales.
Venue information: Cartrefi Cymru Head Office, Unit 5 & 6 Coopers Yard, Curran Road, Cardiff, CF10 5NB. Access and parking information will be sent to attendees closer to the date.