Co-operativesUK Brand Analysis

This year, the board of Co‑operativesUK asked the Centre for Brand Analysis to carry out an extensive investigation of what Co‑operativesUK means to our members.

Perhaps you were one of the 160 people that were asked to complete an online survey or take part in a half-hour in depth interview.

Now, Stephen Cheliotis of the Centre for Brand Analysis has produced the final results of the investigation as a report.

Some of the reports key findings include:

  • our members are supportive and pleased with the changes that Co‑operativesUK has been making over the last five years
  • we deliver on our promises to members, and our staff go out of their way to assist
  • now is the time to take stock of our success and plan to expand the influence and success of both the organisation and the movement overall into the wider world.

The report also mentioned that although Co‑operativesUK is well known in the movement it is not so well recognised within wider society. It also pointed put that the brand’s imagery could do with being refreshed.

The Board will now use the findings to help guide the organisation and our new Secretary General, Ed Mayo in the direction you think we should be heading in. To find out what your fellow members say download the full report at:-

About admin

Alex Bird is an experienced co-operative searcher and activist. Follow him @coopalex3
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