Delegates: Cooperative Thinking, September 2018

Photo: Chris Hall

Photo: Chris Hall

Photo: Chris Hall

Photo: Chris Hall

Photos: Chris Hall
Cawsom ddigwyddiad bywiog ac amserol oedd yn cefnogi dysgu cydweithredol gan ddefnyddio dulliau cyfranogol gan gynnwys OPERA a ‘World Café’ – gan ddangos sut i greu diwylliant cydweithredol llawr gwlad yng Nghymru. Atgyfnerthodd y canlyniadau ymateb Mentrau Cydweithredol a Chyd-fuddiannol Cymru i ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth Cymru ar Addysg Oedolion yn y Gymuned a gwblhawyd dros y penwythnos. Ein diolchiadau hefyd i’n cyd-noddwyr, Addysg Oedolion Cymru, Cartrefi Cymru Cydweithredol ac i’r Co-op am fwyd, a chymorth ariannol a thechnegol.
We had a lively, productive and timely event using great participative techniques, including OPERA and World Cafe, supporting co-operative learning – demonstrating how to create a grassroots co-operative culture in Wales. The outcomes also re-inforced C&MW’s submission to a Welsh Government Adult Community Learning consultation which was completed over the weekend. Our thanks to other co-sponsors: Addysg Oedolion / Adult Learning Wales, Cartrefi Cymru Co-operative and the Co-operative for food, financial and technical support.